Q. Do you post internationally?
A. Yes. Please see our page about shipping information
Q. Will you convert an image to black and white?
A. We are happy to do a black and white conversion of most images in our collection. Let us know what image code you are interested in and we will prepare a black and white version for you to see.
Q. Do you do custom sizes?
A. We frequently prepare images to suit the space available. We are not bound to the standard sizes on our website and are happy to print to your specific requirements. We have prepared many images to fit inside wall recesses and penetrations. We can also crop many of our images to a size that fits.
Q. Can you prepare my order any quicker?
A. We print our own images and do most of our own framing and can usually accommodate a request for completion on a short time frame.
Q. Can I use your digital images?
A. All images on our website are copyright Phil Hollett Photography. Most of our images can be licensed for many personal and commercial uses. Please refer to our page on Copyright and Image use.
For answers to any other questions, please ask via our Contact page.