Your kitchen or bathroom can be transformed by having beautiful Glass Splashback images. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find suitable photos for a glass splashback, not any photo will do….

For the best results, photos need to be high-resolution digital images, they also need to be sharp, well-exposed, and composed. Photos from phones are usually not good enough quality for this particular use. In most cases, a professionally taken high-resolution digital image is required to get the best results.

Kitchen splashbacks are a special challenge because they often require a very long panoramic image. Most normal photos can’t be cropped to suit the shape of a long splashback without spoiling the composition of the image and losing the resolution required to make a high-quality print on glass.

Our image portfolio contains many high-resolution digital images in panoramic and other formats that suit glass splashbacks perfectly.

We have supplied many glass splashback images over the years and have experience helping our clients find an image that suits their needs.

Start the process by determining the dimensions of your splashback and selecting an image or two from our website. We are happy to give you input at this early stage. Most images need some cropping and re-sizing to perfectly match your space and we can also liaise with your selected glass printing company to ensure the image suits their specifications.

The cost of this service including the use of the digital image for a typical kitchen splashback is $550 incl GST 

Smaller splashback images suitable for a bathroom or laundry are usually $395 incl GST

Feel free to browse our image collection and contact us if you would like our assistance in finding the right glass splashback images for your home.